Display Groups function allows API clients to integrate with TWS Color Grouping Windows.
TWS Color Grouping Windows are identified by a colored chain in TWS and by an integer number via the API. Currently that number ranges from 1 to 7 and are mapped to specific colors, as indicated in TWS.
Query Display Groups
The IBApi.EClient.queryDisplayGroups method is used to request all available Display Groups in TWS.
1 self.queryDisplayGroups(19001)
The IBApi.EWrapper.displayGroupList is a one-time response to IBApi.EClient.queryDisplayGroups.
It returns a list of integers representing visible Group ID separated by the "|" character, and sorted by most used group first. This list will not change during TWS session. In other words, user cannot add a new group, but only the sorting of the group numbers can change.
Example: "4|1|2|5|3|6|7"
public class EWrapperImpl : EWrapper
... public virtual void displayGroupList(int reqId, string groups)
Console.WriteLine("DisplayGroupList. Request: " + reqId + ", Groups" + groups);
public class EWrapperImpl implements EWrapper {
... @Override
public void displayGroupList(int reqId, String groups) {
System.out.println("Display Group List. ReqId: " + reqId + ", Groups: " + groups + "\n");
Public Sub displayGroupList(reqId As Integer, groups As String) Implements IBApi.EWrapper.displayGroupList
Console.WriteLine("DisplayGroupList - ReqId [" & reqId & "] Groups [" & groups & "]")
End Sub
class TestCppClient : public EWrapper
... void TestCppClient::displayGroupList( int reqId, const std::string& groups) {
printf("Display Group List. ReqId: %d, Groups: %s\n", reqId, groups.c_str());
1 class TestWrapper(wrapper.EWrapper):
... 1 def displayGroupList(self, reqId: int, groups: str):
2 super().displayGroupList(reqId, groups)
3 print(
"DisplayGroupList. ReqId:", reqId,
"Groups", groups)
Subscribe To Group Events
To integrate with a specific Group, you need to first subscribe to the group number by invoking IBApi.EClient.subscribeToGroupEvents.
client.subscribeToGroupEvents(9002, 1);
client.subscribeToGroupEvents(9002, 1);
client.subscribeToGroupEvents(9002, 1)
m_pClient->subscribeToGroupEvents(9002, 1);
1 self.subscribeToGroupEvents(19002, 1)
The IBApi.EWrapper.displayGroupUpdated call back is triggered once after receiving the subscription request, and will be sent again if the selected contract in the subscribed display group has changed.
public class EWrapperImpl : EWrapper
... public virtual void displayGroupUpdated(int reqId, string contractInfo)
Console.WriteLine("displayGroupUpdated. Request: " + reqId + ", ContractInfo: " + contractInfo);
public class EWrapperImpl implements EWrapper {
... @Override
public void displayGroupUpdated(int reqId, String contractInfo) {
System.out.println("Display Group Updated. ReqId: " + reqId + ", Contract info: " + contractInfo + "\n");
Public Sub displayGroupUpdated(reqId As Integer, contractInfo As String) Implements IBApi.EWrapper.displayGroupUpdated
Console.WriteLine("DisplayGroupUpdated - ReqId [" & reqId & "] ContractInfo [" & contractInfo & "]")
End Sub
class TestCppClient : public EWrapper
... void TestCppClient::displayGroupUpdated( int reqId, const std::string& contractInfo) {
std::cout << "Display Group Updated. ReqId: " << reqId << ", Contract Info: " << contractInfo << std::endl;
1 class TestWrapper(wrapper.EWrapper):
... 1 def displayGroupUpdated(self, reqId: int, contractInfo: str):
2 super().displayGroupUpdated(reqId, contractInfo)
3 print(
"DisplayGroupUpdated. ReqId:", reqId,
"ContractInfo:", contractInfo)
Update Display Group
Once you have subscribed to a specific Group, you can then have the Group Window in TWS to display a certain contract by invoking IBApi.EClient.updateDisplayGroup.
The encoded value that uniquely represents the contract in IB. Possible values include:
- none = empty selection
- contractID@exchange - any non-combination contract. Examples: 8314@SMART for IBM SMART; 8314@ARCA for IBM @ARCA
- combo = if any combo is selected
client.updateDisplayGroup(9002, "8314@SMART");
client.updateDisplayGroup(9002, "8314@SMART");
client.updateDisplayGroup(9002, "8314@SMART")
m_pClient->updateDisplayGroup(9002, "8314@SMART");
1 self.updateDisplayGroup(19002,
Note: This request from the API does not get a response from TWS unless an error occurs.
In the above sample we have commanded TWS Windows that chained with Group #1 to display IBM@SMART. The screenshot of TWS Mosaic below shows that both the pink chained (Group #1) windows are now displaying IBM@SMART, while the green chained (Group #4) window remains unchanged:
Unsubscribe From Group Events
Invoke the IBApi.EClient.unsubscribeFromGroupEvents method to cancel a group subscription.
1 self.unsubscribeFromGroupEvents(19002)