![]() |
This documentation is now deprecated. Please switch to the IBKR Campus for up-to-date information regarding IBKR's API solutions. |
TWS/Gateway client class This client class contains all the available methods to communicate with IB. Up to thirty-two clients can be connected to a single instance of the TWS/Gateway simultaneously. From herein, the TWS/Gateway will be referred to as the Host. More...
Public Member Functions | |
EClient (EWrapper wrapper) | |
Constructor. More... | |
void | SetConnectOptions (string connectOptions) |
Ignore. Used for IB's internal purposes. | |
void | DisableUseV100Plus () |
Allows to switch between different current (V100+) and previous connection mechanisms. | |
bool | IsConnected () |
Indicates whether the API-TWS connection has been closed. Note: This function is not automatically invoked and must be by the API client. More... | |
void | startApi () |
Initiates the message exchange between the client application and the TWS/IB Gateway. | |
void | Close () |
Terminates the connection and notifies the EWrapper implementing class. More... | |
virtual void | eDisconnect (bool resetState=true) |
Closes the socket connection and terminates its thread. | |
void | reqCompletedOrders (bool apiOnly) |
Requests completed orders. . More... | |
void | cancelTickByTickData (int requestId) |
Cancels tick-by-tick data. . More... | |
void | reqTickByTickData (int requestId, Contract contract, string tickType, int numberOfTicks, bool ignoreSize) |
Requests tick-by-tick data. . More... | |
void | cancelHistoricalData (int reqId) |
Cancels a historical data request. More... | |
void | calculateImpliedVolatility (int reqId, Contract contract, double optionPrice, double underPrice, List< TagValue > impliedVolatilityOptions) |
Calculate the volatility for an option. Request the calculation of the implied volatility based on hypothetical option and its underlying prices. The calculation will be return in EWrapper's tickOptionComputation callback. . More... | |
void | calculateOptionPrice (int reqId, Contract contract, double volatility, double underPrice, List< TagValue > optionPriceOptions) |
Calculates an option's price based on the provided volatility and its underlying's price. The calculation will be return in EWrapper's tickOptionComputation callback. . More... | |
void | cancelAccountSummary (int reqId) |
Cancels the account's summary request. After requesting an account's summary, invoke this function to cancel it. More... | |
void | cancelCalculateImpliedVolatility (int reqId) |
Cancels an option's implied volatility calculation request. More... | |
void | cancelCalculateOptionPrice (int reqId) |
Cancels an option's price calculation request. More... | |
void | cancelFundamentalData (int reqId) |
Cancels Fundamental data request. More... | |
void | cancelMktData (int tickerId) |
Cancels a RT Market Data request. More... | |
void | cancelMktDepth (int tickerId, bool isSmartDepth) |
Cancel's market depth's request. More... | |
void | cancelNewsBulletin () |
Cancels IB's news bulletin subscription. More... | |
void | cancelOrder (int orderId, string manualOrderCancelTime) |
Cancels an active order placed by from the same API client ID. Note: API clients cannot cancel individual orders placed by other clients. Only reqGlobalCancel is available. . More... | |
void | cancelPositions () |
Cancels a previous position subscription request made with reqPositions. More... | |
void | cancelRealTimeBars (int tickerId) |
Cancels Real Time Bars' subscription. More... | |
void | cancelScannerSubscription (int tickerId) |
Cancels Scanner Subscription. More... | |
void | exerciseOptions (int tickerId, Contract contract, int exerciseAction, int exerciseQuantity, string account, int ovrd, string manualOrderTime) |
Exercises an options contract Note: this function is affected by a TWS setting which specifies if an exercise request must be finalized. More... | |
void | placeOrder (int id, Contract contract, Order order) |
Places or modifies an order. More... | |
void | replaceFA (int reqId, int faDataType, string xml) |
Replaces Financial Advisor's settings A Financial Advisor can define three different configurations: More... | |
void | requestFA (int faDataType) |
Requests the FA configuration A Financial Advisor can define three different configurations: More... | |
void | reqAccountSummary (int reqId, string group, string tags) |
Requests a specific account's summary. This method will subscribe to the account summary as presented in the TWS' Account Summary tab. The data is returned at EWrapper::accountSummary https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/software/tws/accountwindowtop.htm. More... | |
void | reqAccountUpdates (bool subscribe, string acctCode) |
Subscribes to a specific account's information and portfolio. Through this method, a single account's subscription can be started/stopped. As a result from the subscription, the account's information, portfolio and last update time will be received at EWrapper::updateAccountValue, EWrapper::updateAccountPortfolio, EWrapper::updateAccountTime respectively. All account values and positions will be returned initially, and then there will only be updates when there is a change in a position, or to an account value every 3 minutes if it has changed. Only one account can be subscribed at a time. A second subscription request for another account when the previous one is still active will cause the first one to be canceled in favour of the second one. Consider user reqPositions if you want to retrieve all your accounts' portfolios directly. More... | |
void | reqAllOpenOrders () |
Requests all current open orders in associated accounts at the current moment. The existing orders will be received via the openOrder and orderStatus events. Open orders are returned once; this function does not initiate a subscription. More... | |
void | reqAutoOpenOrders (bool autoBind) |
Requests status updates about future orders placed from TWS. Can only be used with client ID 0. More... | |
void | reqContractDetails (int reqId, Contract contract) |
Requests contract information. This method will provide all the contracts matching the contract provided. It can also be used to retrieve complete options and futures chains. This information will be returned at EWrapper:contractDetails. Though it is now (in API version > 9.72.12) advised to use reqSecDefOptParams for that purpose. . More... | |
void | reqCurrentTime () |
Requests TWS's current time. More... | |
void | reqExecutions (int reqId, ExecutionFilter filter) |
Requests current day's (since midnight) executions matching the filter. Only the current day's executions can be retrieved. Along with the executions, the CommissionReport will also be returned. The execution details will arrive at EWrapper:execDetails. More... | |
void | reqFundamentalData (int reqId, Contract contract, string reportType, List< TagValue > fundamentalDataOptions) |
Legacy/DEPRECATED. Requests the contract's fundamental data. Fundamental data is returned at EWrapper::fundamentalData. More... | |
void | reqGlobalCancel () |
Cancels all active orders. This method will cancel ALL open orders including those placed directly from TWS. More... | |
void | reqHistoricalData (int tickerId, Contract contract, string endDateTime, string durationStr, string barSizeSetting, string whatToShow, int useRTH, int formatDate, bool keepUpToDate, List< TagValue > chartOptions) |
Requests contracts' historical data. When requesting historical data, a finishing time and date is required along with a duration string. For example, having: More... | |
void | reqIds (int numIds) |
Requests the next valid order ID at the current moment. More... | |
void | reqManagedAccts () |
Requests the accounts to which the logged user has access to. More... | |
void | reqMktData (int tickerId, Contract contract, string genericTickList, bool snapshot, bool regulatorySnaphsot, List< TagValue > mktDataOptions) |
Requests real time market data. Returns market data for an instrument either in real time or 10-15 minutes delayed (depending on the market data type specified) More... | |
void | reqMarketDataType (int marketDataType) |
Switches data type returned from reqMktData request to "frozen", "delayed" or "delayed-frozen" market data. Requires TWS/IBG v963+. The API can receive frozen market data from Trader Workstation. Frozen market data is the last data recorded in our system. During normal trading hours, the API receives real-time market data. Invoking this function with argument 2 requests a switch to frozen data immediately or after the close. When the market reopens, the market data type will automatically switch back to real time if available. More... | |
void | reqMarketDepth (int tickerId, Contract contract, int numRows, bool isSmartDepth, List< TagValue > mktDepthOptions) |
Requests the contract's market depth (order book). This request must be direct-routed to an exchange and not smart-routed. The number of simultaneous market depth requests allowed in an account is calculated based on a formula that looks at an accounts equity, commissions, and quote booster packs. More... | |
void | reqNewsBulletins (bool allMessages) |
Subscribes to IB's News Bulletins. More... | |
void | reqOpenOrders () |
Requests all open orders places by this specific API client (identified by the API client id). For client ID 0, this will bind previous manual TWS orders. More... | |
void | reqPositions () |
Subscribes to position updates for all accessible accounts. All positions sent initially, and then only updates as positions change. More... | |
void | reqRealTimeBars (int tickerId, Contract contract, int barSize, string whatToShow, bool useRTH, List< TagValue > realTimeBarsOptions) |
Requests real time bars Currently, only 5 seconds bars are provided. This request is subject to the same pacing as any historical data request: no more than 60 API queries in more than 600 seconds. Real time bars subscriptions are also included in the calculation of the number of Level 1 market data subscriptions allowed in an account. More... | |
void | reqScannerParameters () |
Requests an XML list of scanner parameters valid in TWS. Not all parameters are valid from API scanner. More... | |
void | reqScannerSubscription (int reqId, ScannerSubscription subscription, List< TagValue > scannerSubscriptionOptions, List< TagValue > scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions) |
Starts a subscription to market scan results based on the provided parameters. More... | |
void | reqScannerSubscription (int reqId, ScannerSubscription subscription, string scannerSubscriptionOptions, string scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions) |
void | setServerLogLevel (int logLevel) |
Changes the TWS/GW log level. The default is 2 = ERROR 5 = DETAIL is required for capturing all API messages and troubleshooting API programs Valid values are: 1 = SYSTEM 2 = ERROR 3 = WARNING 4 = INFORMATION 5 = DETAIL . | |
void | verifyRequest (string apiName, string apiVersion) |
For IB's internal purpose. Allows to provide means of verification between the TWS and third party programs. | |
void | verifyMessage (string apiData) |
For IB's internal purpose. Allows to provide means of verification between the TWS and third party programs. | |
void | verifyAndAuthRequest (string apiName, string apiVersion, string opaqueIsvKey) |
For IB's internal purpose. Allows to provide means of verification between the TWS and third party programs. | |
void | verifyAndAuthMessage (string apiData, string xyzResponse) |
For IB's internal purpose. Allows to provide means of verification between the TWS and third party programs. | |
void | queryDisplayGroups (int requestId) |
Requests all available Display Groups in TWS. More... | |
void | subscribeToGroupEvents (int requestId, int groupId) |
Integrates API client and TWS window grouping. More... | |
void | updateDisplayGroup (int requestId, string contractInfo) |
Updates the contract displayed in a TWS Window Group. More... | |
void | unsubscribeFromGroupEvents (int requestId) |
Cancels a TWS Window Group subscription. | |
void | reqPositionsMulti (int requestId, string account, string modelCode) |
Requests position subscription for account and/or model Initially all positions are returned, and then updates are returned for any position changes in real time. More... | |
void | cancelPositionsMulti (int requestId) |
Cancels positions request for account and/or model. More... | |
void | reqAccountUpdatesMulti (int requestId, string account, string modelCode, bool ledgerAndNLV) |
Requests account updates for account and/or model. More... | |
void | cancelAccountUpdatesMulti (int requestId) |
Cancels account updates request for account and/or model. More... | |
void | reqSecDefOptParams (int reqId, string underlyingSymbol, string futFopExchange, string underlyingSecType, int underlyingConId) |
Requests security definition option parameters for viewing a contract's option chain. More... | |
void | reqSoftDollarTiers (int reqId) |
Requests pre-defined Soft Dollar Tiers. This is only supported for registered professional advisors and hedge and mutual funds who have configured Soft Dollar Tiers in Account Management. Refer to: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/software/am/am/manageaccount/requestsoftdollars.htm?Highlight=soft%20dollar%20tier. More... | |
void | reqFamilyCodes () |
Requests family codes for an account, for instance if it is a FA, IBroker, or associated account. More... | |
void | reqMatchingSymbols (int reqId, string pattern) |
Requests matching stock symbols. More... | |
void | reqMktDepthExchanges () |
Requests venues for which market data is returned to updateMktDepthL2 (those with market makers) More... | |
void | reqSmartComponents (int reqId, string bboExchange) |
Returns the mapping of single letter codes to exchange names given the mapping identifier. More... | |
void | reqNewsProviders () |
Requests news providers which the user has subscribed to. More... | |
void | reqNewsArticle (int requestId, string providerCode, string articleId, List< TagValue > newsArticleOptions) |
Requests news article body given articleId. More... | |
void | reqHistoricalNews (int requestId, int conId, string providerCodes, string startDateTime, string endDateTime, int totalResults, List< TagValue > historicalNewsOptions) |
Requests historical news headlines. More... | |
void | reqHeadTimestamp (int tickerId, Contract contract, string whatToShow, int useRTH, int formatDate) |
Returns the timestamp of earliest available historical data for a contract and data type. More... | |
void | cancelHeadTimestamp (int tickerId) |
Cancels a pending reqHeadTimeStamp request . More... | |
void | reqHistogramData (int tickerId, Contract contract, bool useRTH, string period) |
Returns data histogram of specified contract . More... | |
void | cancelHistogramData (int tickerId) |
Cancels an active data histogram request. More... | |
void | reqMarketRule (int marketRuleId) |
Requests details about a given market rule The market rule for an instrument on a particular exchange provides details about how the minimum price increment changes with price A list of market rule ids can be obtained by invoking reqContractDetails on a particular contract. The returned market rule ID list will provide the market rule ID for the instrument in the correspond valid exchange list in contractDetails. . More... | |
void | reqPnL (int reqId, string account, string modelCode) |
Creates subscription for real time daily PnL and unrealized PnL updates. More... | |
void | cancelPnL (int reqId) |
cancels subscription for real time updated daily PnL params reqId | |
void | reqPnLSingle (int reqId, string account, string modelCode, int conId) |
Requests real time updates for daily PnL of individual positions. More... | |
void | cancelPnLSingle (int reqId) |
Cancels real time subscription for a positions daily PnL information. More... | |
void | reqHistoricalTicks (int reqId, Contract contract, string startDateTime, string endDateTime, int numberOfTicks, string whatToShow, int useRth, bool ignoreSize, List< TagValue > miscOptions) |
Requests historical Time&Sales data for an instrument. More... | |
void | reqWshMetaData (int reqId) |
Requests metadata from the WSH calendar. More... | |
void | cancelWshMetaData (int reqId) |
Cancels pending request for WSH metadata. More... | |
void | reqWshEventData (int reqId, WshEventData wshEventData) |
Requests event data from the wSH calendar. More... | |
void | cancelWshEventData (int reqId) |
Cancels pending WSH event data request. More... | |
void | reqUserInfo (int reqId) |
Requests user info. More... | |
bool | IsDataAvailable () |
int | ReadInt () |
byte[] | ReadAtLeastNBytes (int msgSize) |
byte[] | ReadByteArray (int msgSize) |
Public Attributes | |
EWrapper | Wrapper => wrapper |
Reference to the EWrapper implementing object. | |
int | ServerVersion => serverVersion |
returns the Host's version. Some of the API functionality might not be available in older Hosts and therefore it is essential to keep the TWS/Gateway as up to date as possible. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
abstract uint | prepareBuffer (BinaryWriter paramsList) |
void | sendConnectRequest () |
bool | CheckServerVersion (int requiredVersion) |
bool | CheckServerVersion (int requestId, int requiredVersion) |
bool | CheckServerVersion (int requiredVersion, string updatetail) |
bool | CheckServerVersion (int tickerId, int requiredVersion, string updatetail) |
void | CloseAndSend (BinaryWriter paramsList, uint lengthPos, CodeMsgPair error) |
void | CloseAndSend (int reqId, BinaryWriter paramsList, uint lengthPos, CodeMsgPair error) |
abstract void | CloseAndSend (BinaryWriter request, uint lengthPos) |
bool | CheckConnection () |
void | ReportError (int reqId, CodeMsgPair error, string tail) |
void | ReportUpdateTWS (int reqId, string tail) |
void | ReportUpdateTWS (string tail) |
void | ReportError (int reqId, int code, string message) |
void | SendCancelRequest (OutgoingMessages msgType, int version, int reqId, CodeMsgPair errorMessage) |
void | SendCancelRequest (OutgoingMessages msgType, int version, CodeMsgPair errorMessage) |
bool | VerifyOrderContract (Contract contract, int id) |
bool | VerifyOrder (Order order, int id, bool isBagOrder) |
Protected Attributes | |
int | serverVersion |
ETransport | socketTransport |
EWrapper | wrapper |
volatile bool | isConnected |
int | clientId |
bool | extraAuth |
bool | useV100Plus = true |
bool | allowRedirect |
Stream | tcpStream |
Properties | |
bool | AllowRedirect [get, set] |
string | ServerTime [get, set] |
string | optionalCapabilities [get, set] |
bool | AsyncEConnect [get, set] |
TWS/Gateway client class This client class contains all the available methods to communicate with IB. Up to thirty-two clients can be connected to a single instance of the TWS/Gateway simultaneously. From herein, the TWS/Gateway will be referred to as the Host.
inline |
Calculate the volatility for an option.
Request the calculation of the implied volatility based on hypothetical option and its underlying prices.
The calculation will be return in EWrapper's tickOptionComputation callback.
reqId | unique identifier of the request. |
contract | the option's contract for which the volatility wants to be calculated. |
optionPrice | hypothetical option price. |
underPrice | hypothetical option's underlying price. |
inline |
Calculates an option's price based on the provided volatility and its underlying's price.
The calculation will be return in EWrapper's tickOptionComputation callback.
reqId | request's unique identifier. |
contract | the option's contract for which the price wants to be calculated. |
volatility | hypothetical volatility. |
underPrice | hypothetical underlying's price. |
inline |
Cancels the account's summary request. After requesting an account's summary, invoke this function to cancel it.
reqId | the identifier of the previously performed account request |
inline |
Cancels account updates request for account and/or model.
requestId | account subscription to cancel |
inline |
Cancels an option's implied volatility calculation request.
reqId | the identifier of the implied volatility's calculation request. |
inline |
Cancels an option's price calculation request.
reqId | the identifier of the option's price's calculation request. |
inline |
Cancels Fundamental data request.
reqId | the request's identifier. |
inline |
Cancels a pending reqHeadTimeStamp request
tickerId | Id of the request |
inline |
Cancels an active data histogram request.
tickerId | - identifier specified in reqHistogramData request |
inline |
Cancels a historical data request.
reqId | the request's identifier. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Cancels IB's news bulletin subscription.
inline |
Cancels an active order placed by from the same API client ID.
Note: API clients cannot cancel individual orders placed by other clients. Only reqGlobalCancel is available.
orderId | the order's client id |
inline |
Cancels real time subscription for a positions daily PnL information.
reqId |
inline |
Cancels a previous position subscription request made with reqPositions.
inline |
Cancels positions request for account and/or model.
requestId | - the identifier of the request to be canceled. |
inline |
Cancels Real Time Bars' subscription.
tickerId | the request's identifier. |
inline |
Cancels Scanner Subscription.
tickerId | the subscription's unique identifier. |
inline |
Cancels tick-by-tick data.
reqId | - unique identifier of the request. |
inline |
Cancels pending WSH event data request.
reqId |
inline |
Cancels pending request for WSH metadata.
reqId |
void Close | ( | ) |
Terminates the connection and notifies the EWrapper implementing class.
inline |
Exercises an options contract
Note: this function is affected by a TWS setting which specifies if an exercise request must be finalized.
tickerId | exercise request's identifier |
contract | the option Contract to be exercised. |
exerciseAction | set to 1 to exercise the option, set to 2 to let the option lapse. |
exerciseQuantity | number of contracts to be exercised |
account | destination account |
ovrd | Specifies whether your setting will override the system's natural action. For example, if your action is "exercise" and the option is not in-the-money, by natural action the option would not exercise. If you have override set to "yes" the natural action would be overridden and the out-of-the money option would be exercised. Set to 1 to override, set to 0 not to. |
manualOrderTime | Manual Order Time |
bool IsConnected | ( | ) |
Indicates whether the API-TWS connection has been closed. Note: This function is not automatically invoked and must be by the API client.
Places or modifies an order.
id | the order's unique identifier. Use a sequential id starting with the id received at the nextValidId method. If a new order is placed with an order ID less than or equal to the order ID of a previous order an error will occur. |
contract | the order's contract |
order | the order |
inline |
Requests all available Display Groups in TWS.
requestId | is the ID of this request |
inline |
Replaces Financial Advisor's settings A Financial Advisor can define three different configurations:
faDataType | the configuration to change. Set to 1 or 3 as defined above. |
xml | the xml-formatted configuration string |
inline |
Requests a specific account's summary.
This method will subscribe to the account summary as presented in the TWS' Account Summary tab. The data is returned at EWrapper::accountSummary
reqId | the unique request identifier. |
group | set to "All" to return account summary data for all accounts, or set to a specific Advisor Account Group name that has already been created in TWS Global Configuration. |
tags | a comma separated list with the desired tags:
inline |
Subscribes to a specific account's information and portfolio. Through this method, a single account's subscription can be started/stopped. As a result from the subscription, the account's information, portfolio and last update time will be received at EWrapper::updateAccountValue, EWrapper::updateAccountPortfolio, EWrapper::updateAccountTime respectively. All account values and positions will be returned initially, and then there will only be updates when there is a change in a position, or to an account value every 3 minutes if it has changed. Only one account can be subscribed at a time. A second subscription request for another account when the previous one is still active will cause the first one to be canceled in favour of the second one. Consider user reqPositions if you want to retrieve all your accounts' portfolios directly.
subscribe | set to true to start the subscription and to false to stop it. |
acctCode | the account id (i.e. U123456) for which the information is requested. |
inline |
Requests account updates for account and/or model.
reqId | identifier to label the request |
account | account values can be requested for a particular account |
modelCode | values can also be requested for a model |
ledgerAndNLV | returns light-weight request; only currency positions as opposed to account values and currency positions |
inline |
Requests all current open orders in associated accounts at the current moment. The existing orders will be received via the openOrder and orderStatus events. Open orders are returned once; this function does not initiate a subscription.
inline |
Requests status updates about future orders placed from TWS. Can only be used with client ID 0.
autoBind | if set to true, the newly created orders will be assigned an API order ID and implicitly associated with this client. If set to false, future orders will not be. |
inline |
Requests completed orders.
apiOnly | - request only API orders. |
inline |
Requests contract information.
This method will provide all the contracts matching the contract provided. It can also be used to retrieve complete options and futures chains. This information will be returned at EWrapper:contractDetails. Though it is now (in API version > 9.72.12) advised to use reqSecDefOptParams for that purpose.
reqId | the unique request identifier. |
contract | the contract used as sample to query the available contracts. Typically, it will contain the Contract::Symbol, Contract::Currency, Contract::SecType, Contract::Exchange |
inline |
Requests TWS's current time.
inline |
Requests current day's (since midnight) executions matching the filter. Only the current day's executions can be retrieved. Along with the executions, the CommissionReport will also be returned. The execution details will arrive at EWrapper:execDetails.
reqId | the request's unique identifier. |
filter | the filter criteria used to determine which execution reports are returned. |
inline |
Requests family codes for an account, for instance if it is a FA, IBroker, or associated account.
inline |
Legacy/DEPRECATED. Requests the contract's fundamental data. Fundamental data is returned at EWrapper::fundamentalData.
reqId | the request's unique identifier. |
contract | the contract's description for which the data will be returned. |
reportType | there are three available report types:
inline |
Cancels all active orders.
This method will cancel ALL open orders including those placed directly from TWS.
inline |
Returns the timestamp of earliest available historical data for a contract and data type.
tickerId | - an identifier for the request |
contract | - contract object for which head timestamp is being requested |
whatToShow | - type of data for head timestamp - "BID", "ASK", "TRADES", etc |
useRTH | - use regular trading hours only, 1 for yes or 0 for no |
formatDate | - |
formatDate | set to 1 to obtain the bars' time as yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss, set to 2 to obtain it like system time format in seconds |
inline |
Returns data histogram of specified contract
tickerId | - an identifier for the request |
contract | - Contract object for which histogram is being requested |
useRTH | - use regular trading hours only, 1 for yes or 0 for no |
period | - period of which data is being requested, e.g. "3 days" |
inline |
Requests contracts' historical data. When requesting historical data, a finishing time and date is required along with a duration string. For example, having:
- endDateTime: 20130701 23:59:59 GMT - durationStr: 3 D
will return three days of data counting backwards from July 1st 2013 at 23:59:59 GMT resulting in all the available bars of the last three days until the date and time specified. It is possible to specify a timezone optionally. The resulting bars will be returned in EWrapper::historicalData
tickerId | the request's unique identifier. |
contract | the contract for which we want to retrieve the data. |
endDateTime | request's ending time with format yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss {TMZ} |
durationStr | the amount of time for which the data needs to be retrieved:
barSizeSetting | the size of the bar:
whatToShow | the kind of information being retrieved:
useRTH | set to 0 to obtain the data which was also generated outside of the Regular Trading Hours, set to 1 to obtain only the RTH data |
formatDate | set to 1 to obtain the bars' time as yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss, set to 2 to obtain it like system time format in seconds |
keepUpToDate | set to True to received continuous updates on most recent bar data. If True, and endDateTime cannot be specified. |
inline |
Requests historical news headlines.
requestId | |
conId | - contract id of ticker |
providerCodes | - a '+'-separated list of provider codes |
startDateTime | - marks the (exclusive) start of the date range. The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.0 |
endDateTime | - marks the (inclusive) end of the date range. The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.0 |
totalResults | - the maximum number of headlines to fetch (1 - 300) |
historicalNewsOptions | reserved for internal use. Should be defined as null. |
inline |
Requests historical Time&Sales data for an instrument.
reqId | id of the request |
contract | Contract object that is subject of query |
startDateTime,i.e. | "20170701 12:01:00". Uses TWS timezone specified at login. |
endDateTime,i.e. | "20170701 13:01:00". In TWS timezone. Exactly one of start time and end time has to be defined. |
numberOfTicks | Number of distinct data points. Max currently 1000 per request. |
whatToShow | (Bid_Ask, Midpoint, Trades) Type of data requested. |
useRth | Data from regular trading hours (1), or all available hours (0) |
ignoreSize | A filter only used when the source price is Bid_Ask |
miscOptions | should be defined as null, reserved for internal use |
inline |
Requests the next valid order ID at the current moment.
numIds | deprecated- this parameter will not affect the value returned to nextValidId |
inline |
Requests the accounts to which the logged user has access to.
inline |
Switches data type returned from reqMktData request to "frozen", "delayed" or "delayed-frozen" market data. Requires TWS/IBG v963+.
The API can receive frozen market data from Trader Workstation. Frozen market data is the last data recorded in our system.
During normal trading hours, the API receives real-time market data. Invoking this function with argument 2 requests a switch to frozen data immediately or after the close.
When the market reopens, the market data type will automatically switch back to real time if available.
marketDataType,: | by default only real-time (1) market data is enabled sending 1 (real-time) disables frozen, delayed and delayed-frozen market data sending 2 (frozen) enables frozen market data sending 3 (delayed) enables delayed and disables delayed-frozen market data sending 4 (delayed-frozen) enables delayed and delayed-frozen market data |
inline |
Requests the contract's market depth (order book).
This request must be direct-routed to an exchange and not smart-routed. The number of simultaneous market depth requests allowed in an account is calculated based on a formula that looks at an accounts equity, commissions, and quote booster packs.
tickerId | the request's identifier |
contract | the Contract for which the depth is being requested |
numRows | the number of rows on each side of the order book |
isSmartDepth | flag indicates that this is smart depth request |
inline |
Requests details about a given market rule
The market rule for an instrument on a particular exchange provides details about how the minimum price increment changes with price
A list of market rule ids can be obtained by invoking reqContractDetails on a particular contract. The returned market rule ID list will provide the market rule ID for the instrument in the correspond valid exchange list in contractDetails.
marketRuleId | - the id of market rule |
inline |
Requests matching stock symbols.
reqId | id to specify the request |
pattern | - either start of ticker symbol or (for larger strings) company name |
inline |
Requests real time market data. Returns market data for an instrument either in real time or 10-15 minutes delayed (depending on the market data type specified)
tickerId | the request's identifier |
contract | the Contract for which the data is being requested |
genericTickList | comma separated ids of the available generic ticks:
snapshot | for users with corresponding real time market data subscriptions. A true value will return a one-time snapshot, while a false value will provide streaming data. |
regulatory | snapshot for US stocks requests NBBO snapshots for users which have "US Securities Snapshot Bundle" subscription but not corresponding Network A, B, or C subscription necessary for streaming market data. One-time snapshot of current market price that will incur a fee of 1 cent to the account per snapshot. |
inline |
Requests venues for which market data is returned to updateMktDepthL2 (those with market makers)
inline |
Requests news article body given articleId.
requestId | id of the request |
providerCode | short code indicating news provider, e.g. FLY |
articleId | id of the specific article |
newsArticleOptions | reserved for internal use. Should be defined as null. |
inline |
Subscribes to IB's News Bulletins.
allMessages | if set to true, will return all the existing bulletins for the current day, set to false to receive only the new bulletins. |
inline |
Requests news providers which the user has subscribed to.
inline |
Requests all open orders places by this specific API client (identified by the API client id). For client ID 0, this will bind previous manual TWS orders.
inline |
Creates subscription for real time daily PnL and unrealized PnL updates.
account | account for which to receive PnL updates |
modelCode | specify to request PnL updates for a specific model |
inline |
Requests real time updates for daily PnL of individual positions.
reqId | |
account | account in which position exists |
modelCode | model in which position exists |
conId | contract ID (conId) of contract to receive daily PnL updates for. Note: does not return message if invalid conId is entered |
inline |
Subscribes to position updates for all accessible accounts. All positions sent initially, and then only updates as positions change.
inline |
Requests position subscription for account and/or model Initially all positions are returned, and then updates are returned for any position changes in real time.
requestId | - Request's identifier |
account | - If an account Id is provided, only the account's positions belonging to the specified model will be delivered |
modelCode | - The code of the model's positions we are interested in. |
inline |
Requests real time bars
Currently, only 5 seconds bars are provided. This request is subject to the same pacing as any historical data request: no more than 60 API queries in more than 600 seconds.
Real time bars subscriptions are also included in the calculation of the number of Level 1 market data subscriptions allowed in an account.
tickerId | the request's unique identifier. |
contract | the Contract for which the depth is being requested |
barSize | currently being ignored |
whatToShow | the nature of the data being retrieved:
useRTH | set to 0 to obtain the data which was also generated ourside of the Regular Trading Hours, set to 1 to obtain only the RTH data |
inline |
Requests an XML list of scanner parameters valid in TWS.
Not all parameters are valid from API scanner.
void reqScannerSubscription | ( | int | reqId, |
ScannerSubscription | subscription, | ||
List< TagValue > | scannerSubscriptionOptions, | ||
List< TagValue > | scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions | ||
) |
Starts a subscription to market scan results based on the provided parameters.
reqId | the request's identifier |
subscription | summary of the scanner subscription including its filters. |
inline |
Requests security definition option parameters for viewing a contract's option chain.
reqId | the ID chosen for the request |
underlyingSymbol | |
futFopExchange | The exchange on which the returned options are trading. Can be set to the empty string "" for all exchanges. |
underlyingSecType | The type of the underlying security, i.e. STK |
underlyingConId | the contract ID of the underlying security |
inline |
Returns the mapping of single letter codes to exchange names given the mapping identifier.
reqId | id of the request |
bboExchange | mapping identifier received from EWrapper.tickReqParams |
inline |
Requests pre-defined Soft Dollar Tiers. This is only supported for registered professional advisors and hedge and mutual funds who have configured Soft Dollar Tiers in Account Management. Refer to: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/software/am/am/manageaccount/requestsoftdollars.htm?Highlight=soft%20dollar%20tier.
inline |
Requests tick-by-tick data.
reqId | - unique identifier of the request. |
contract | - the contract for which tick-by-tick data is requested. |
tickType | - tick-by-tick data type: "Last", "AllLast", "BidAsk" or "MidPoint". |
numberOfTicks | - number of ticks. |
ignoreSize | - ignore size flag. |
inline |
Requests the FA configuration A Financial Advisor can define three different configurations:
1. Groups: offer traders a way to create a group of accounts and apply a single allocation method to all accounts in the group. 3. Account Aliases: let you easily identify the accounts by meaningful names rather than account numbers.
More information at https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/?f=%2Fen%2Fsoftware%2Fpdfhighlights%2FPDF-AdvisorAllocations.php%3Fib_entity%3Dllc
faDataType | the configuration to change. Set to 1 or 3 as defined above. |
inline |
Requests user info.
reqId |
inline |
Requests event data from the wSH calendar.
reqId | |
conId | contract ID (conId) of contract to receive WSH Event Data for. |
inline |
Requests metadata from the WSH calendar.
reqId |
inline |
Integrates API client and TWS window grouping.
requestId | is the Id chosen for this subscription request |
groupId | is the display group for integration |
inline |
Updates the contract displayed in a TWS Window Group.
requestId | is the ID chosen for this request |
contractInfo | is an encoded value designating a unique IB contract. Possible values include: